1. News And Dates
  2. Newsletters & Letters


 Digital Newsletter: Our school newsletter is sent out via Weduc each Friday and is also available on the school website. Paper copies will still be available from the school office on request.

Letters and Information Evening Handouts

Parent Governor Election 

We are looking for new parent governors. If you would like to be considered, please completed the nomiation form and statement by 4pm on Friday 3rd March 2023. Depending on the number of nominations the Returning Officer will either write to all parents with the parent governors appointed or write to all parents giving the date of the ballot and the date that ballot papers need to be returned.  

Parent Governor Letter

The Role of the Parent Governor

Self Nomination Form to be completed and handed in by Friday 3rd March 2023 4pm


Key Stage 1 SATS Information Meeting Powerpoint Handout

Lunch Menu Spring 2024


Reception RWI Parents Meeting Powerpoint Handout 


Key Stage 1 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Glossary 


Spellings Strategies Handout