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Joining the Chiltern Learning Trust


On 29th April the DfE’s Regional Director gave his consent to the School’s application to move from being legally maintained by Bedford Borough to become an academy and to join Chiltern Learning Trust. The process now requires the completion of a number of legal processes that we hope can be concluded to enable the transfer to take effect on 1st September. There is a chance that this could slip into the new academic year but any implications are not significant and are being managed.


As a reminder, when we join, you will see very little change at first. However, we will then have full access to a whole range of support for teaching, finance and buildings that we currently do not access from Bedford Borough. 


The school’s Governing Body has previously communicated its rationale for joining Chiltern Learning Trust through school newsletters and an informal consultation evening but we have repeated this below and we would welcome your formal response to the proposal. This is an opportunity for you to express your support and also to raise any concerns or queries you might have. 


Joining a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)


We have advised previously that the school was looking at a move towards joining a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) and specifically, the Chiltern Learning Trust (CLT). A link to their website is enclosed:


CLT website


Why does the school want to do this?


There are a number of reasons for leaving Bedford Borough and for joining the CLT, however with a large training, facilities management and resources central team, we believe that we will be able to provide better outcomes for all of our children. All day to day facilities management will be controlled centrally and allow the teaching staff and leadership teams to focus solely on the quality of education delivered by the school.


Further, we will receive multiple visits per term from CLT’s School Improvement Team.


What will joining the CLT mean for me and my child?


On the face of it, there will be very little change- the uniform will remain the same and staffing will remain the same. However, the business side of the school will now receive significant infrastructure support that we currently do not have. This includes our teaching staff having access to a huge amount of training and support that is currently more limited. In time, of course, this will translate as even better outcomes for our pupils.


Next Steps ?


Part of the legal process is for us to run a formal consultation with our school community and to this end we would be grateful if you would provide your views in an online survey by 28th June.


Online Survey

Ofsted Inspection
After our Ofsted inspection on the 26th and 27th March 2024 we are pleased to share with you the latest report. We are hugely proud of our children, staff and whole school community who work tirelessly every day to make our school the wonderful place it is.

Welcome to our school Website. We hope you enjoy looking at our successful school and what it can offer your child through the delivery of a very creative curriculum. We strongly believe that children excel through being happy at school, being celebrated for their achievements in any area of the curriculum and working hard with a positive mindset.


Every year the children are lucky enough to take part in an amazing Activity Week. This provides children with many difference experiences to enhance their education.  These activities range from sporting events, music workshops, art workshops and many more experiences. Please follow the link to view the video of most recent Activity Week. 

Activity Week

We are very proud of the achievements of the children and invite you to come and visit our school. The best time is during the day when we are working. Please call Mrs Crowley in the school office to make an appointment (01234 768239). Mrs Crowley will also be able to answer any other queries you may have.  I hope you enjoy looking through our website.


Please take a look at our school prospectus below. 

School Prospectus 2023-2024

The following 'Provision for All' document details our approach to delivering high quality teaching for all pupils at our school. It was collectively defined through open discussions with parents/carers, pupils and staff. (Autumn 2022) 

Provision for All 

Please also take a look at our most recent Ofsted report and our recent Parent Survey and Pupil Survey Reports.

Mr Chris Tavener
​​Head Teacher