Reception News
Our First Week of School
What a busy first week it has been for our delightful new Reception children. We would like to warmly welcome all of the new families who are just joing our wonderful Wootton Lower School community for the first time and say a big welcome back to those familiar faces who have already had older siblings in the school. We are so pleased to be working with you to give your children the very best start to their school journey.
And what a super start it has been. The children have simply blown us away by how quickly they have been settling into the routine of the day. We have loved getting to know each and every one of them and have been so impressed by their behaviour so far. Next week we look forward to having the children in full time. I suspect there will be some very tired little peoply by Friday afternoon!
Next week we will be sharing the story of 'The Enormous Turnip' and acting out the story together. In Maths we will be starting to do some counting, making sure that we touch each object as we say the number. We will also be talking lots about our families and playing lots of getting to know you games. We will also be having out first PE lesson so please do keep encouraging your child to get themselves ready for school in the morning.
Well done Reception. We hope you all have a fun weekend with your families and we will see you on Monday morning.
Snail Trail...
We have had a great time reading the story of Snail Trail. We have learnt lots of facts about snails, did you know that snails have lots and lots really of tiny teeth? We have also been learning about maps and drew our own maps to show where the snail had travelled to in the story. We then carried on our map learning and drew maps of our classrooms.
We have had lots of fun playing inside and outside and we have been especially focussed on our value of teamwork The children have been thinking about how they can be part of a team in lots of different activities, including building with blocks as you can see in some of these photos.