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  3. Year 1 News


Year 1 News

Dinosaur Planet


The Pelicans have loved our Dinosaur topic over the last half term.  We had a great time on 'Dino Day' and loved being palaeontologists searching for fossils and meeting some real dinosaurs!  We really enjoyed our Art linked to the topic and made ammonite fossils, silhouette pictures, art straw dino skeletons and created  clay dinosaurs too.  It has been a lot of fun.


 Penguins have worked this half term in Art and have learnt several new skills and techniques when working with clay. They have made ammonite fossils and over the last few weeks they created and painted a clay dinosaur of their choice. 

Dinosaur Planet

 Year 1 had an exciting start to their Dinosaur topic. After half term Mr Lawrence found huge footprints had been left in the school garden areas and two enormous eggs! The children had great fun predicting how the eggs might have got into the gardens and what might be inside them. They measured the length of the egg and footprints to help them make a prediction. 

Enchanted Woodland. 

The children have really enjoyed going on their woodland walks this week. We played some games and collected some natural resources to create 'woodland crowns'. Here are some photographs of our creations. 



Paws, Claws and Whiskers:  Animal Edge

Year 1 had a special visit from Animal Edge this week.  The children got to meet chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, goats, a pony and a pig called Popcorn!  We were able to feed the very hungry goats, give the pony a brush and have a hold of the rabbits, chickens and guinea pigs.  All of the children really enjoyed being able to get so close to the farm animals and we all had a fun morning.





Pelican Class - Royal Self Portraits

Over the last few weeks the children in Pelican class have had lots of fun creating very royal self portraits.  We began by creating the correct skin tone, carefully mixing the paint on the page.  We then drew our faces, added our features and painted some hair.  We then chose hot or cold colours to create the backgrounds and finally we added the wonderful crowns.  We think they look fabulous.  Well done Pelicans!


Penguins Class - Our Royal Self Portraits

This half term the children have been working hard to create self-portraits with a 'royal' twist. First they created their skin tone by mixing paint and then added facial features using oil pastels. After this the children added their hair, using paint, then chose warm or cool coloured pastels to decorate the background. They particularly enjoyed adding a crown at the end!

Turtles Class - Our Royal Self Portraits

In Turtles' class we have been creating our own Royal self portraits. We started by mixing paint to create our skin tone and then painting an A4 sheet of paper. We then added on our facial features using oil pastels. We then used the oil pastels to make a background using either warm or cold colours. As a finishing touch we are adding crowns this week. We are very proud of our super art work!

Seals Class - Self-portraits

We have been creating self-portraits during Art lessons. We created skin tones using colour mixing techniques, used pastels to add facial features and added a background using oil pastels. Next week we will add a final, important detail - a crown ! 

Year 1 Autumn News (2023)

Year 1 DT

The children have loved their current DT topic where they have learnt about mechanisms. They learnt about a lever and slider & have made some super moving rocket pictures. They will continue this learning in the next few weeks. 

DT in Year 1

The Year 1 children took part in a speaking and listening activity where they had to find our their friend's favourite fruits. They then made a healthy fruit kebab for their friend & enjoyed them together. Super listening skills as well as cutting skills where shown. Well done Year 1!

The Year 1 children have had a great first half term. Don't forget it is Superhero Day on Friday where the children can come dressed as real life or fictional Superheroes. Parents, keep an eye out on the Seesaw app for some photos of the day.

First Fortnight!


Turtles class have all settled in well and enjoying their time in Year 1. This week we have started our Superheroes topic and have been reading and enjoying Supertato. We have also been learning about the human body and talking about what makes us healthy. Mrs Lawson has been very impressed with all of Turtles Class and how hard they have been working!



Pelican class have had a great start to the school year.  Mrs Short has been incredibly proud of how well all of the children have settled into life in Year 1 and how hard everyone has been working already.  Keep up the good work Pelicans!


Miss McBride has been extremely impressed with how well Penguins have settled in during their first two weeks in Year 1. All of the children have already gained confidence and are eager to come to school each day, which has been lovely to see. The children have enjoyed completing a range of activities and exploring the different learning areas in the classroom. Keep up the hard work Penguins - it is going to be a fantastic year!


Ms Dickson has been delighted with how well the children have settled into their new routines. 

It has been a positive and successful couple of weeks !

Year 1 Summer News (2023)

Activity Week! 

Year 1 had a fantastic activity week and enjoyed participating in a range of activities.

Seals - what a super couple of weeks we've had!



Year 1 have had another great half term. The children have very much enjoyed our Geography when learining all about maps and creating their very own maps of our playground and our walk to the woods. They have also been busy in Art and making a wired bird sculpture inspired by artist Celia Smith. So many beautiful birds using paper curling and cutting techniques. Super work Year 1!

Year 1 Woodland Walk 


 The children went on a local walk to woods to see if they could find a Gruffalo ... unfortunately, we couldn't see a Gruffalo anywhere ! 

It was a lovely opportunity for us to decorate some woodland crowns with natural resources and we wore the crowns on the walk back to school.